Friday, April 24, 2015

Child Abuse awareness Part 2

This is my Final outcome for Child Abuse awareness.  In the Foreground I choose to highlight the father and a daughter screaming at each other, which at this point the child actually stands out with a sentence "I am not a Burden, I'm just a child!" As for the background, I choose multiple images for child abuse with a very light opacity just to give the feeling of what others are having in their daily lives.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Awareness Poster (Part1); Child Abuse

To begin with my post, I was inspired by my classmate Heather Cook when she shared an awareness poster of Child Abuse. Since I have seen much, this topic specifically touched me and inspired me to take it a step ahead.

Child abuse is when someone hurts a child whether it was physical or verbal. In my poster, I chose to show a man yelling out loud, but unlike other posters, here the child answers back. " I AM NOT A BURDEN". The reason I chose to show is to try to deliver the message to stand out for ones self since this could be a solution. STOP child abuse.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Photo montage Part 2; The Boylan Sisters

In the first part of this project, I gave notice about my topic; The Boylan Sisters, how it effects me every time I hear their names and always reminds me of Annie, the movie. In my piece of work I wanted to show one image that include two different lives, the famous, fancy lives of the singers, and the lives of poor children that can do nothing expect sit on the side and watch. I chose to include a rough street background for the fancy red stage curtains, this would be a mixture of interior and exterior, where the Boylan sisters stand, I included a light opacity of stage lights that spots on them while the poor girls sit on the end of the image, in the frame but hopeless with a reality of what they do, cleaning as an example.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Photo-montage (Part1)

I don't know how many of you have seen the movie Annie or even have heard of the Boylan sisters whether in the movie or not. I chose the Boylan sisters as my fictitious band taken from Annie musical movie as this movie inspires me alot and it is considered one of my childhood memories. How about creating a new cover just for the musicals of the movie? Probably the song "you're never fully dressed without a smile"- Boylan sisters.
To Begin with, I jotted down what the sisters would be like as a view in anyone's head, probably blond? Wearing same clothes, a bit fancy perhaps?

Then what? Some fancy Ostrich colorful furs being wrapped around these beautiful women's necks?

 Could you imagine those girls singing flawlessly without the old microphone stand? Well, I couldn't and so my other sketch was of that old microphone that will center those girls for music!

The image will not DO itself without expressing music and notes, even the ON AIR sign and an old radio? Here are some images that will illustrate those ideas.

These concepts could only put together a visualization of how and what an old studio would have looked like in past times, Now again lets think of Annie as the character and her friends at the orphanage, how they gathered together to clean and sweep the grounds day and night, how they loved the song the Boylan sisters sang, how they cared about the smiles. In my Photo-montage, I will be creating an image of a creation of a studio filled with smiles, Annie and her friends, being driven away by the radio and what it holds waves long.