Monday, June 15, 2015

Home Page and Navigation System- Part 1


For this project, I thought I would jot down ideas by actually trying different designs. My concept is based on "IDEA", by how we translate this word as a light bulb in many cases. Another concept was taken from the creativity of the right brain. I would really be grateful to hear opinions and advice about which to develop. Thank you.

Friday, May 29, 2015

Fantasy Avatar Part 2


I Had to choose a similar image like the one I chose at first since the size was terrible to work with. I had difficulties with the teeth and the ears. I hope they came out well.
Here is the picture before and after.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Fantasy Avatar (Part 1)


For this project, creating a fantasy avatar isn't as easy as I though it would be. Sketching the idea is a concept stage that our hands would take the lead in describing our visuals in what we think an avatar should look like.
Here is the image of the woman I chose and the background. Then are the sketch of which I would want my avatar to look like.


Thursday, May 7, 2015

Book Design, Part 2, Final

Here is the outcome for the previous sketches. I hope you like the mood added to have sympathy and feel with the agony of Beethoven himself.

Book Cover Design Part 1

Almost everyone had heard of Ludwig Van Beethoven, but only a few knew about his life and how he lived and under what conditions. To be specific inorder to design the book cover I had to choose 1 playlist he was mostly famous for and analyze it to bring out the concept and abstractions. The piece is called FUR ELISE, this I am sure everyone heard the tones and melodies carried by these keys played. To understand this song is to know that Beethoven did not finish this piece, and it was published in 1865 after his death in 1827.
"Fur Elise" literally means a thing of little or no value.This is why I choose to show an empty space that is made up of old bricks and broken stones, to value the nothingness. Another theory claims that 'Elise' was used in those times as a general term for "sweetheart". Beethoven was in love with a woman name "Therese Malfatti" around the time he created this work. The great composer is known of his withdrawal to himself from this world because of his hearing loss. Could you imagine such a great composer that was not able to hear his own playlists?

On the front cover, since we never heard Beethoven playing this piece, I showed an empty space, with a long perspective where in the middle we see an abstract of Beethoven playing the piano. While in the same caption, the back cover shows the same place, but the woman standing there hearing the echos of the notes that Beethoven left. I will be using only black, white and red colors to keep the sense of emptiness, love and at the same time the hurt that Beethoven felt during his years.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Child Abuse awareness Part 2

This is my Final outcome for Child Abuse awareness.  In the Foreground I choose to highlight the father and a daughter screaming at each other, which at this point the child actually stands out with a sentence "I am not a Burden, I'm just a child!" As for the background, I choose multiple images for child abuse with a very light opacity just to give the feeling of what others are having in their daily lives.